Open Field

crosscultural art and education

Open field is open...

to the study and education of somatic art,  dance/theater cultures, voice and visual arts. We focus on a therapeutic and analytical approach based on a field research and application of Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies, Body-Mind Centering and other somatic disciplines.   We integrate body-mind with arts, activism, therapy and well-being.



This year in June 10th, we have danced our seventh Global Water Dance at the shores of our Vltava river in Prague. This year we have chosen the locality of Stromovka park, where the river has a blind branch. The water here is still, not moving much.... as well as our post-covid situation in many ways. We have danced...

New group is forming now to open a Conscious Body program in fall 2024! The program founder Rena Milgrom is opening a new group each year since 2012. More about the program on

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2023 Open Field, z.s.| Všechna práva vyhrazena.
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